In their first year of existence, the basketball teams for Banning Lewis Ranch Academy have set a high standard. The girls and boys fourth, fifth and sixth-grade basketball teams played a nearly perfect season, only to be defeated in the final games with the Falcon elementary teams in the School District 49 Youth Athletic League Tournament.”The kids played their hearts out in all the games,” said Coach Brian DiMarino, parent and staff member at Banning Lewis Ranch Academy.Coach DiMarino volunteers his time, and he will always be remembered for keeping a promise. On the Friday before the tournament, DiMarino shaved his head in front of the student body. Early in the season, he told the girls if they played hard and won all their regular season games, he would shave his head. With a crowd of onlookers and students, his hair came off in the BLRA gym. As a retired U.S. Navy chief, DiMarino has had short hair, but, he said, “It’s been a long time since my head has seen the sun.”The teams of both Stallions and Lady Stallions finished in fine form. The sixth-grade girls, challenged by illness, injury and exhaustion, did what had to be done and finished the season with seven wins and one loss at the championship level.The fourth-grade girls finished with the same record, while the boys were eliminated in the final four. There is no shame in their season.
Fantastic finish for Banning Lewis Ranch teams
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