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Letters to the Editor

D-49 is in the process of hiring a superintendent

Union supporters have alleged the board changed the criteria for the superintendent to read “NO education background required.” What I heard was that other experience (in business or leadership) should be sought in addition to education and superintendent experience. Yet this small step to look outside the box is met with resistance. The board is not seeking someone without educational experience, simply someone who is proven in education by having reformed the system and managed positive change.Recently, Randy Brungardt, who lost the election, demanded all five board members resign because he does not agree with the winners. This hurts our district. If you are a prospective superintendent, do you want to come into a district that has board members with their pictures in headlines that read “Ready to be recalled?”Falcon’s parents and taxpayers should treat these threats against their elected board for what they are – threats against parental control of our schools. Our board ran election campaigns on accountability, empowering parents and commitment to improving test scores and graduation rates. This will require change and some resist change. But, “if you do what you have always done, you will get what you have always got.” The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and expecting a different outcome.We thank the board for stepping outside the traditional box to find a superintendent who embodies the values of our community. Speak up and support your elected school board – Anna Bartha, Kent Clawson, Amy McClellend, Dave Martin and Dave Stark – they’re looking out for your kids.Mark S. ShookChairman D-49 Long Range Planning CommitteeWeb Editor

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