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Falcons get local recognition

On Oct. 26, KRDO radio station hosted a special dinner at Spaghettiís in the Chapel Hills Mall for the undefeated Falcon Falcons. The team, students, cheerleaders and parents were invited to a discounted dinner, only if they wore green and gold. The Falconsí entire football team showed up for the celebration.”We [the seniors] have been waiting for our chance to lead, and this is our chance. I have been expecting a winning season, and last year wasnít our year,” said senior Zach Roscoe. “It’s amazing that so many people are supporting us and are behind us.”I expect us to go state; six more weeks until the championship.”Many parents came out to support the team. Junior Brandon Cainís step father was very supportive.”It’s great to be at this level,” said Mike Bonicoro, stepfather of junior football team member Brandon Cain. “It’s also wonderful to show everyone out there that even a small school like us can achieve so much. It’s neat that KRDO is hosting this event; it gives us an opportunity to get closer and bond more. Gives us time to reflect on our accomplishments so far, as well as what we need to accomplish in the future. I think this is really good for morale.”

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