My door is always open to the people, and I strongly believe that the words written by Abraham Lincoln in June 1865 ring true today: “that government of the people, by the people, for the people shall not perish from the earth.”In the spirit of Abraham Lincoln’s words, I received a call from a gentleman in Security complaining about a company that required all of its employees to purchase the health care plan. Mr. Smith, retired from the Army, was receiving Tri-Care insurance coverage for himself and his family. He didn’t need the secondary insurance coverage, nor could he or his family afford it. The company’s insurance was costing him an additional $800 a month.I spend many hours with Colorado’s insurance commissioner, Marcy Morrison, talking about this issue. Is it right or fair to require employees to purchase a secondary insurance plan if the employee can prove they already carry credible insurance coverage? The Colorado Division of Insurance investigated Mr. Smith’s case and found that the employer – not the insurance company – was requiring all employees to buy the coverage.According to the Colorado Division of Insurance, the employer receives “fringe benefits” money from the federal government in compliance with the Federal Service Contracts Act. The money is used to cover the cost of health insurance for employees working on federal contracts. There is a small amount left after the health premium allocation and that amount can either help pay for the employees’ dependent coverage (if they choose) or it goes into the employees 401(K).The Colorado Insurance Commission and Colorado Statutes have jurisdiction over health carriers and employers with 50 or fewer eligible employees. The Commission released Bulletin No. B-4-26 to recap Colorado’s insurance law, and it states the following:”Existing law requires small employers’ carriers applying minimum participation requirements with respect to an employer to exclude employees or dependents who have credible group or individual coverage.“Credible coverage is defined as …
- Medicare or Medicaid
- An employee welfare benefit plan, group health insurance or health benefit plan
- An individual health benefit plan
- A state health benefits risk pool, including Cover Colorado
- Coverage under TriCare for members and former members of the military and their dependents
- By a tribe of the Indian Health Service
- The Federal Employee Health Benefits Plan
- Through the Peace Corps