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What’s the magic bullet?

Why are some people fit and toned while others struggle with their weight?What do they have that you don’t? It all boils down to one thing:MotivationMotivation is the magic ingredient that will transform your body.Motivation is about a need, a belief that drives you; it’s about the push of your mental forces – a push to action; it’s about accomplishing a goal.Motivation can change a person’s life and body. If you could bottle and sell motivation, you might make a fortune. But, alas, motivation is something that must be mustered from pure will power.In the past, your attempts to get in shape may have been short lived.However, motivation can become as natural and easy as breathing. Here’s how:Step No. 1: Find your reason:Why do you want to get fit? What is your most important reason for wanting to lose the weight? Take a minute to mull over this question.Hint: these would all be great answers:I want to fit into my size 6 pants again.I want to get off my blood pressure medication.I want to drop 20 pounds before the reunion.I want to get rid of the jiggle on the back of my arms.I want my significant other to find me irresistible.Step No. 2: Write it down:Write down your reasons in Step No. 1, and post it where you will see it daily, preferably the first thing every morning.Putting your goals in writing helps to keep you focused.Step No. 3: Make it fun:Find a mode of exercise that you enjoy.If the thought of exercise makes you cringe, figure out why. Is it uncomfortable workout clothes that you own? Is it deciding what machine to use at the gym? Maybe it is time for a personal trainer. Is it the pain that you feel in your shoulder when swimming? Maybe it is time to find a new form of cardiovascular exercise – one that won’t aggravate your injury.There are a ton of different exercises that will give you results.It is all about finding something that you enjoy.Step No. 4: Enlist support.“Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.” Although Helen Keller probably wasn’t talking about getting fit, her words ring true for anyone wanting to achieve results.It’s hard to stay motivated without encouragement from the people around us. It’s important to tell friends and family about your goal – rally their support. Sometimes one encouraging word will give you the strength you need to make it through another workout.RECIPE OF THE MONTHTuna BurgersWhen you are craving a juicy burger with greasy fries, go to town on a bag of chopped veggies. Don’t worry about overeating veggies. You will stop eating it once you are full, since it is not the object of your unhealthy desires. Also, the veggies are packed with filling fiber that is low in calories. Talk about the perfect snack!Here’s what you need…1/2 cup canned water-packed albacore tuna, drained1/2 cup nonfat sour cream1/2 leek, thinly sliced2 hard-boiled eggs, halved and yolks removed2 cups shredded carrots1 teaspoon dill weed1 teaspoon garlic powderChopped parsley to garnishIn a bowl combine the tuna, sour cream, leek, dill weed, and garlic powder. Stir until ingredients are well combined.Stuff the egg whites with tuna mixture. Make a shredded carrot nest on a plate and top with the stuffed eggs. Garnish with parsley.Nutritional Analysis: One serving equals 189 calories, 1g fat, 22g carbohydrate, and 23g proteinDavid Corder

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