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Letters to the Editor

Falcon Hills: covenant issues

I’ve read your articles on the Woodmen Hills covenants with interest. I would like to invite you to come out here sometime and particularly look at 9640 Liberty Grove Drive. That house has been an eyesore for years, and the blue car parked on the street in front of the house has not moved from that position in almost a year. Then, there’s the motor home parked on the street at 9815 Liberty Grove Drive from April through October for the past four summers.Motor homes, RVs, fifth-wheels, etc. are supposed to be parked in the rear of the property. There’s also a home that I believe is at 11423 Cranston Drive. It has a camper parked in the driveway (and) trash and a car at the side of the house.Most residents keep their property up, but some people just don’t seem to care and that brings down the property values of all of us. Complaining will maybe cause a letter to be sent to the offenders by Jay Bartz, who is in control of our covenants. However, there is no follow up and no consequence if the offender just ignores the letter. We’ve been told that we can take someone to court for not following the covenants, but how many people can afford to hire an attorney because the people in charge aren’t doing their job?When we were looking into moving out here, we were told that the covenants were enforced. But Jerry Smith, who was in charge of them at that time, refused to be the “bad guy,” as he put it, and just let things go. So, there’s really been no enforcement. I’ve suggested to Jay Bartz that the developer hire a company such as the Warren Co. but he said they just couldn’t find a company they liked. Woodmen Hills has been very lucky to have Rusty Green as their developer because he cares about the community he created.Anonymous Falcon Hills resident

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