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For many, the summer months are a harsh reminder of unmet fitness goals.While the toned men and slender women of the world put on their skin-tastic summer gear and proudly put themselves on display, those with jiggles and dimples would rather opt for a cover up and hang out under an umbrella.Why must you go through another agonizing summer, turning your head as you pass by a dozen magazines showcasing skinny celebrities in bikinis?You can turn your fitness dreams into a reality. Read on for the three things you need to begin to achieve amazing results.1. Your mindYour mind has everything to do with getting the body of your dreams. Your mind will single handedly make or break your success.Your mind works hard to reinforce the beliefs that you hold about yourself. If you think of yourself as a fat person, an out-of-shape person or just an average person, then your subconscious mind will do everything in its power to keep you that way.It’s self-sabotage.However, if you begin to think of yourself as fit, healthy and attractive, then your mind will do everything it can to make your belief a reality.* Take time everyday to visualize your new body and to focus on your goals.2. Your planEveryone who successfully sets out to lose body fat and achieve results does so by implementing a plan. Your plan is crucial to your success; picture it as a guiding map to a new destination. Without it, you are lost.Here are the two major parts to your plan:* Diet: They say you are what you eat, and that is never truer than while losing weight. Cut junk food from your diet and stick with fresh healthy foods. Eat small meals throughout the day containing protein, carbohydrates and minimal fat.* Exercise: Yes, you will have to break a sweat, but the good news is that once you make exercise a habit you will likely find it to be enjoyable. I know you will. It is important that you make exercise a part of your lifestyle and not something you do on random occasions. For maximal results, exercise four to five times each week doing both cardiovascular and resistance training.* Stick with your healthy eating plan and exercise routine-these are the building blocks to your success.3. Your determinationDetermination is the one thing that will guarantee you lose weight, tone your body and feel better than ever. You have to want it. Thinking about it is not enough. Now it’s time for action!You have to want your dream body, more than you want that burger and fries, more than you want to skip your workout, more than you want that chocolate cookie, more than you want to sit on the couch.The shape and size of your body is in your hands, and your hands only. You possess the kind of determination it takes to change your body. You need to dig down deep enough to find it.Fuel your fire by building a network of support in your life. Enlist friends, family and loved ones to encourage your efforts and keep tabs on your progress.* Surround yourself with support and don’t give up.RECIPE OF THE MONTHChicken and Red Potato SaladAs summer winds down, enjoy this delicious salad. Chicken and red potatoes complement one another in a savory low-fat salad loaded with protein. Serve warm or chilled. Yields four servingsIngredientsSalad* 4 medium red potatoes (1lb.) cut into 3/4-inch cubes* 1/2 lb. fresh green beans, trimmed, cut into 1-inch pieces (about 2 cups)* 2 cups cubed cooked chicken breast* 2/3 cup thinly sliced celery* Torn salad greens if desiredDressing* 1/2 cup nonfat plain yogurt* 1/3 cup purchased fat-free ranch salad dressing* 1 tablespoon prepared horseradish* 1/4 teaspoon salt* Dash of pepper1. In a large saucepan, bring 6 cups of lightly salted water to boil. Add potatoes. Return to a boil. Reduce heat and simmer 5 minutes. Add beans; cook additional 8 to 12 minutes or until potatoes and beans are crisp-tender. Drain; rinse briefly with cold water. Drain well. Place in large serving bowl. Add chicken and celery.2. In a small bowl, combine all dressing ingredients; blend well. Pour dressing over salad; toss gently. Serve immediately on plate lined with salad greens or refrigerate until serving time.Nutritional Analysis: One serving (1-3/4 cups) equals 270 calories, 3g fat, 41g carbohydrate, and 19g protein.David Corder

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