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Health and Wellness

Once you go …

How long do you intend to brush your teeth? Probably the rest of your life, right? Why after brushing your teeth yesterday, you’ll likely brush your teeth today, tomorrow and next week?Is it because your teeth hurt? Will you brush your teeth only because you have a cavity? Will you brush your teeth because the accumulated plaque is inflaming your gums?Probably not.It’s a habit you’ve developed. One of the good, healthy habits. Maybe you liked how your mouth feels after brushing. Or you want to avoid painful visits to the dentist. Or you want to prevent the social stigma of bad breath.Even with this daily maintenance and prevention, you’ll probably visit your dentist from time to time. Yet no one ever observes, “Once you go to a dentist, you have to go for the rest of your life.” This issue is often raised by those who don’t understand the preventive nature of chiropractic.If others could detect your diminished performance, your low energy level and your lack of vitality caused by nerve disturbances along your spine in the same way they could smell your breath, regular chiropractic checkups would be more widely embraced.Chiropractors are committed to detecting and reducing the effects of physical, emotional and chemical stresses to your spine and nervous system. For as long as you experience them. Which, for most of us, will be for the rest of our lives.Seven reasons for chiropractic care:

  1. Effective. Because the nervous system controls every cell, tissue, organ and system of the body, and the primary focus of chiropractic care is the restoration of the nervous system integrity, chiropractic care can be helpful for a wide range of health care problems.
  2. Natural. Simply put, chiropractic care doesn’t add chemicals or foreign substances to your body. Chiropractic care doesn’t remove parts or take things out. Instead, chiropractic care seeks to restore proper control and regulation of your body so health can return, naturally.
  3. Safe. Chiropractic care is safe. So safe, even newborns get adjusted to correct the spinal trauma that can occur from the birth process.
  4. No side effects. There are no warning labels required for chiropractic. In fact the only side effects, aside from some soreness after an initial adjustment, are positive effects: better balance, more energy, increased vitality, extended endurance and improved coordination.
  5. Delighted patients. If those critical of chiropractic had any real basis for their objections, chiropractic would have disappeared over 100 years ago. However, it continues to thrive due to high levels of patient satisfaction. It simply works!
  6. Smart choice. It makes sense to correct the underlying cause (loss of proper nervous system control of the body) rather than numb the body with drugs. Research shows that educated people choose chiropractic care.

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