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Often times I’m approached by a frustrated person who can’t seem to drop the weight. They tell me that they exercise, eat healthy and drink plenty of water. Not only are they frustrated, but they are close to losing hope that they will ever lose those stubborn pounds.Do you want to know what I ask them? It is a simple question that usually reveals the problem behind their inability to lose weight.How often do you eat each day?The most frequent answer is two to three times each day. Most of us are fooled into thinking that to 1ose weight we should eat as little as possible; this is simply not true.The problem with going for an extended period without eating is simple: Your body thinks you are starving. As a result, your metabolism slows to conserve energy. When you do eat, the food will be put into storage ñ also known as fat.Want to lose fat? Eat four to six small meals a day to kick your metabolism into high gear.Eating smaller meals throughout the day forces your body to burn calories all day long, and the results are amazing. When you begin to eat in a ìgrazingî fashion, your body will respond by dropping unwanted pounds.This is probably not the first time you have heard this, but, if you are like most unsatisfied fitness enthusiasts, then you simply don’t do it. Why not? As far as weight 1oss tips go, this is about as easy at they getÖso why the resistance? Here are the top-three excuses that I hear:1. I don’t have the time. Now you and I both know that, no matter how stressful or demanding your job is, you can still find five minutes every few hours for a snack. The issue here is not that you don’t have the time; you just aren’t making it. Sure, old habits are hard to break, and maybe you have a set time that you like to eat everyday. That is fine. Don’t change the usual meal times ñ just add a couple of snacks throughout the day to keep from going hours on end without food, and then eat a little less at your regularly scheduled meals.2. I tried it and it didn’t work.I simply don’t believe it. There is no way that you tried it and it didn’t work. The formula is simple: small meals every four to six hours. Emphasis on the word small. These aren’t four-course meals. If this is your story, then read on for a sure-fire plan to make this tip work for you.3. I forget to eatWhen you first start eating four to six small meals instead of two to three, there will be a bit of an adjustment time. If your body is used to going for hours on end without food, then you may not feel hungry when it is time for your next small meal. The key here is to be as organized as possible. Think ahead and pack small meals so that they are ready to go. With a little effort, you will be eating every few hours like clockwork.Your fool-proof plan:ï Eat small nutritious meals every three hours throughout the day; eat your first within 30 minutes of waking.ï Make sure that each meal contains quality protein, complex carbohydrates, mono-unsaturated fats and fiber.ï Your goal is to eat more often, not more calories each day.ï Keep a food log: Write down what you eat when you eat it and take time to review your progress.ï What should you eat? Whole grains, fresh fruits, lean protein and veggies.I encourage you to use this powerful weight loss strategy in your own quest for a fit and healthy lifestyle.Crab NachosIf you love seafood, then this recipe is a must have. This modified nacho recipe is a healthier alternative to the traditionally greasy morsels. You’ll find yourself pleasantly surprised at the delicious taste. Serve them up as a tasty appetizer, a light snack or even an exciting lunch. Yields 6 servingsï 30 baked tortilla chipsï 1 package (8 ounces) imitation crab meat, choppedï 1/4 cup reduced- fat sour creamï 1/4 cup reduced- fat mayonnaiseï 2 tablespoons finely chopped onionï 1/4 teaspoon dill weedï 1 cup (4 ounces) shredded reduced-fat cheddar cheeseï 1/4 cup sliced ripe olivesï 1/4 teaspoon paprika1. Arrange tortilla chips in a single layer on an ungreased baking sheet.2. In a bowl, combine crab, sour cream, mayonnaise, onion and dill; spoon about 1 tablespoon onto each chip. Sprinkle with cheese, olives and paprika.3. Bake at 350 for 6-8 minutes or until cheese is melted.Nutritional Analysis: One serving (5 nachos) equals 190 calories, 9g fat, 16g carbohydrate, 13g

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