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Falcon’s young entrepreneur

As a young child, S. Megan Payne liked to spend time in Christian bookstores with her parents. She was especially interested in the stationery. ìI loved looking at all the beautiful cards and note paper,î Payne said. ìThe pictures and writing always inspired me.îAs a young adult, Payne began to notice that stationery styles had become uniform, without the personal touch she remembered as a child. ìWhen I couldnít find what I wanted, I began making my own cards, notes and other types of stationery just for my own use,î she said.Friends and family responded so positively to Payneís designs that she began to research the stationery business. January 19, at age 19, Payne launched S. Megan Payne Designs. ìOur motto is ëDo everything for the glory of Godí and my business reflects that,î Payne said.She creates personalized and custom cards, calendars, labels, tags and more. ìEvery design can be personalized to reflect who you are,î Payne said. She also writes poems and verses reflecting a business or personal message, while incorporating customersí photographs, favorite colors, etc. to create a design and message unique to the customer. ìI do everything from design to printing, and I only use the best quality materials,î she said. ìEverything I do is 100-percent guaranteed.îPayne runs her business out of the family home in Falcon, where she lives with her parents, her grandparents, sister and two aunts. A brother lives in Fort Collins. Her father, Jonathon Payne, is a Web and graphics designer who helped with Payneís Web site. Her mother, Loreal Payne, is a ministry leader.ìWe are a very close family,î Payne said.Visit

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