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Health and Wellness

Flu cases confirmed

The El Paso County Department of Health and Environment confirmed the countyís second and third cases of hospitalized influenza, according to a news release. Thus far, two adults and one infant have been hospitalized with influenza since Jan. 1.As of Jan. 20, six hospitalized influenza cases have been reported statewide.ìWe may not see flu season peak until February or March this year,î said Dr. Bernadette Albanese, medical director. ìThe health department wants to remind the public that the low number of flu cases weíre seeing thus far isnít necessarily a forecast for a light flu season. Infection rates could escalate very quickly in our community and statewide.îThe best prevention against influenza is a flu shot, according to the health department. More than 135,000 doses of flu vaccine have been distributed in the county this season. Other safeguards include frequent hand washing with warm water and soap, covering the mouth when sneezing or coughing, maintaining an appropriate diet, exercise and rest regimens, avoiding contact with sick individuals and remaining home when sick.Flu shots are available at designated clinics, doctorsí offices, grocery stores and some pharmacies. A comprehensive list of local flu vaccination clinics, including locations and dates, can be accessed on the Colorado Influenza and Pneumococcal Alert Coalition Web site at more information about influenza, access the EPCDHE Web site at

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