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Health and Wellness

Splitting headache? Chiropractic care can help

A February 2001 report from the Foundation for Chiropractic Education and Research found that individuals undergoing chiropractic care experience improvement in the frequency and intensity of their headaches.The report states that chiropractic adjustments ìappeared to result in immediate improvement in headache severityî for patients experiencing neck-related headaches.The complaint of headache is common in our society although the experience of one can vary: some are occasional, others can be frequent and the pain can range from dull and throbbing to debilitating with nausea.There are many triggers for headache as most of us are aware.The most common of these triggers are certain foods, odors, bright lights and noises.There are two ways to categorize a headache.A primary headache includes tension type, migraine and cluster headaches. These account for approximately 90 percent of headaches and are not caused by underlying medical conditions.Secondary headaches result from other medical conditions, such as infection or tumor.The majority of primary headaches result from some type of muscle tension in the neck.Our society is much more sedentary today than ever before and this can account for many of the headacheís underlying problems.We spend so much time in one fixed position or posture while in school, sitting at a computer at work or at home, driving in a car, watching TV or movies or talking on the phone, to name a few examples.Headaches may also be caused by certain chemical changes in the brain. Chemicals such as serotonin and endorphins help the nervous system to communicate properly.When the chemicals change and the messages nerves send are interfered with, the brain may not be able to dull the pain.If you have a headache, you are not alone, but the occurrence of repeated or chronic headaches is not normal ñ it shouldnít happen.What do you do when you have a headache?Turn out the lights and lie down? Work through it?Take an over-the-counter medication and hope it will go away?What if there was another way to make a change in how you experience headaches, or if you experience one at all?Research has shown that chiropractic adjustments (the correction of a vertebral misalignment that interferes with the way your nervous system works) may be an effective form of treatment for tension headaches and headaches that begin in the neck area. Chiropractic adjustments, for many, result in almost immediate improvement for those headaches that begin in the neck.Adjustments are also associated with fewer side effects and longer-lasting relief of tension-type headaches as opposed to common medications.Chiropractic adjustments help remove restricted areas of motion in your spine, restoring normal joint function and removing pressure from nerves that are not allowing proper communication along the nervous system.Many people have found tremendous relief from headache with chiropractic care.Many people report feelings of increased levels of energy and are pleased they are no longer relying on drug therapy, whether it is prescription medications or over-the-counter medications.Of course, there are things you can do at home to help make some changes that may facilitate the healing process.1) Exercise ñ helps relax muscles and improve blood flow and increase the levels of endorphins in your body (natural pain killers),2) Diet ñ make sure you are well hydrated (six to eight 8 oz. glasses of water a day), dehydration can lead to headaches,3) Re-evaluate your mattress and pillows.We spend approximately one-third of our life in bed; be sure you have the proper support to prevent aggravation of spinal imbalances.4) Avoid teeth clenching.The clenching can create stress at your jaw area and lead to a form of tension headaches.Depending on your headache, you may find that a visit with a chiropractor can help identify the source of your headache.By performing spinal adjustments, providing nutritional advice, ergonomic advice or recommending stretches and exercises, it is possible to put away the pain-relief medications and enjoy a more natural approach to eliminating headaches.Palmer

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