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Letters to the Editor

El Paso County officials skirt the truth about magnesium chloride

I am a native of El Paso County and have lived on a dirt road in Falcon for over 25 years. My road was never slick until the county started using magnesium chloride. Why does the county use it?Fact: The Environmental Protection Agency requires the county to reduce dust on dirt roads.Fact: Magnesium chloride is an inexpensive salt that attracts water; by holding water near the surface, dust is reduced.Fact: During times of heavy precipitation the additional water held near the surface of the road results in mud.Fact: As long as we have the E.P.A. the county will have to use some sort of dust control on the dirt roads. Until someones come up with a more economical product, magnesium chloride will be the produce of choice.Magnesium chloride is a salt and by its very nature causes corrosion to vehicles and its components, such as antilock brakes, aluminum wheels, aluminum fuel tanks, etc. You should wash off the magnesium chloride containing mud as soon as possible. I wonder why the county seems to be unwilling to just state the fact rather than giving the public the big run around.Roger PittmanFalcon

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