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Health and Wellness

Holiday tips to beat the bulge

Welcome to David Corder’s new column, a perfect fit for anyone interested in learning about good health.David is owner of Perfect Fit, the fitness and wellness center in Falcon. David is a certified personal trainer with a myriad of degrees, certifications and experience under his belt. He has plenty to say about health and fitness from his own endeavors – like scuba and sky diving, professional baseball, dance and music – and his work helping others reach their fitness goals.”Wellness lies in making the correct choices every day, from what we eat and how we exercise to wearing a seatbelt when we drive,” David said. “Ninety percent of our problems we create ourselves. By teaching people to make better choices, we improve their wellness.”If you are like most people, the holidays offer a sense of wonder, an atmosphere of good will – and a huge plate of food with tons of Christmas cookies.More than 50 percent of adults gain weight during this magical time of year, but you don’t have to be one of them.It’s noted that the average person gains between two and six pounds from now to Jan. 1. Some may struggle for months to get back to their pre-holiday weight. My goal is to encourage you not to put on the pounds in the first place.First, let’s take a moment to set you up for success. This could be your catalyst for success.Close your eyes and picture yourself standing in front of your bathroom scale. The calendar on the wall says Jan. 2, 2007. The holidays are over, and you are forced to reckon with reality. You step onto the scale and peer down at the reading. What does it say? Did the numbers go down? Did they stay the same? Are you up five pounds?The ominous first week of January beckons a desperate New Year’s resolution: lose weight. But I have some powerful news for you.You have a choice.Right now, you can decide what your scale will read on Jan. 2. Close your eyes again and picture yourself stepping onto that scale. Decide what you want that number to be. This is your goal. Here are some tips to help you with that goal.No. 1: Maximize the burn: December is a busy with parties and dinners; shopping and decorating, cooking and cleaning and gift wrapping. What about workouts? You probably have a regular schedule for your workouts (if you don’t, then schedule your first appointment with me ASAP). Your routine is likely modified over the holidays. Less exercise means more weight gain, especially when it is coupled with an increase in food consumption.Does this mean you have to stick to your guns and never miss a workout? While that would be ideal, it just isn’t practical. Instead of rearranging your holiday schedule to revolve around workouts, focus on maximizing each workout. In other words, kick up your intensity when you find the time to exercise.A great way to kick it up is through complex movements, such as a squat and press, rather than a simple squat. Another way to burn more calories is to utilize your core throughout your workout. This can be done by challenging yourself with an unstable surface-use or a stability ball for crunches. Try standing on one leg while performing bicep curls.No. 2: Don’t go hungry: “I’m saving my appetite for the party tonight.” Have you uttered those words? A holiday party or dinner means an abundance of great food. Do you arrive famished to have room for all the good food? Here’s the problem with that idea.First, when you go for hours without food, your metabolism crashes. When you do get around to eating, your body will be eager to store all the yummy calories as fat. Not good.The second problem is the most obvious. The more food you eat at the party the more likely your scale will display a ridiculously high number on Jan. 2. Again, not good.Instead of saving your appetite for a big meal, maintain a healthy metabolism by eating small meals every few hours. Always eat a well-balanced breakfast, and never arrive at a party with a growling stomach.No. 3: Be inefficient: I know. You are constantly bombarded by information on how to be more efficient, and I’m saying be inefficient. Be inefficient in how you expend energy.Expend as much energy as you can on an activity, even if this means doing things in a more challenging way. The more energy you expend the more calories you burn.Here are some ideas: Instead of rallying for the closest parking spot at the mall, choose the farthest spot away. The extra walking burns calories. Always opt for the stairs instead of an elevator. If you have the option of sitting or standing, work your legs and stand. Have to sit at work? Try sitting on a stability ball – you will burn calories and work your core without having to think about it.Be on the lookout for more fun ways to expend energy this holiday season. Remember that the number on your scale will be the result of each individual calorie consumed versus each individual calorie expended.No. 4: Watch out for the eggnog: Who doesn’t love eggnog? It is sweet, spiced and oh so creamy-yum. However, eight ounces of eggnog with rum contain 450 calories.Those calories add up. Indulge in eight glasses of eggnog, and the number on your scale will creep up a digit.Eggnog is not the only high-calorie beverage that threatens your waistline. Champagne, wine, hot cocoa, spiced cider and spirits are all filled with one deadly thing: empty calories.Stay away from beverages that are high in empty calories. Instead, drink as much water as you can and stick to limiting your high-calorie drinks.An extra tip: Something is better than nothing: Sitting in front of the T.V. only burns about one or two calories per minute. How about doing crunches through one commercial break and jumping jacks through the next. Studies have shown that as little as 10-minutes of exercise each day can improve your health and contribute to weight loss.Healthy recipe:Asparagus Avocado MedleyYields 7 servingsIngredients:1 lb fresh asparagus, trimmed and cut into 1-1/2-inch pieces8 medium fresh mushrooms, sliced1 large ripe avocado, peeled and cubed1 medium zucchini, diced1 large tomato, seeded and chopped1 medium red onion, sliced2 tablespoons lemon juice2 tablespoons olive or canola oil1 tablespoon balsamic vinegar1 teaspoon Dijon mustard1 garlic clove, minced1/2 teaspoon dried basil1/2 teaspoon dried thyme1/4 teaspoon salt1/4 teaspoon pepperInstructions:Place asparagus and two tablespoons water in a microwave-safe dish. Cover and microwave on high for 3 to 6 minutes or until crisp-tender, stirring once; drain and cool.In a large bowl, combine the asparagus, mushrooms, avocado, zucchini, tomato and onion; toss gently.In a jar with a tight-fitting lid, combine the remaining ingredients; shake well. Pour over salad and toss gently to coat. Cover and refrigerate until serving.Nutritional Analysis: One serving (1 cup) equals 122 calories, 9g fat, 11g carbohydrate, 4g protein.David Corder

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