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Letters to the Editor

Pro Fawcett

I am retired from the U.S. Air Force, and I will be voting for Jay Fawcett (Lt Col, USAF, Retired) for Congressional District 5 on Tuesday, November 7. Jay is a 1977 graduate of the Air Force Academy. He asks that you vote for him in this critical election. I don’t know of a better, more qualified individual to represent us all – Republican, Democrat and any other leaning in Congressional District 5. I urge you to invest time at Jay’s Web site ( to learn more about Jay and some of the issues he feels are important. Once you have, I believe you will know that Jay Fawcett is the best choice for congress.Jay cares deeply for the men and women in uniform – not simply during time of war (Jay is a Desert Storm veteran and earned the Bronze Star for his actions) but also supports our brave soldiers when they return to their home communities. From talking with Jay on more than one occasion I have learned that upon wearing the military uniform we both directly supported the 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault) at Ft. Campbell, Kentucky; we both instructed at the Air Force Academy; and after retirements from active duty, we’ve both worked in the civilian world at strengthening technologies, tactics and procedures for homeland defense.Now Jay Fawcett wants to do even more than defending, in military uniform, America’s homeland. He wants to serve you as your congressman with a drive to focus our nation’s strengths in directions and efforts that will serve Colorado’s 5th Congressional District in the best way possible.Please vote for Jay Fawcett on November 7. Thank you.Bruce R. CarterBlack Forest

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