The volleyball team is back and ready to take on another season. As they look forward to their first game Sept. 5, they are working extra hard to prepare themselves. The girls got ready for try-outs at the open gym during the second week in August. Practice for all three teams started Aug. 17.After practicing for a few weeks the teams scrimmaged on Aug. 25. The JV and Varsity teams scrimmaged at Liberty High School and the C Squad scrimmaged at Palmer High School.”This season should be an awesome one, I know we will make it to the top,” said Vicky Miller, a senior at Falcon High school.Their practices consist of conditioning and drills, which help them train for future rigorous games and tournaments.After all the preparation, the school expects them to do great, and wishes them the best of luck. The volleyball team is looking forward to a victorious season, and has high hopes for going to state.
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