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Letters to the Editor

Back to Basics

Chuck Asay’s editorial cartoon that appeared in the April 7 edition of The Gazette captured not only what public education has become; it also depicts, because of us, what it has strayed from. His depiction not only brought to light the essence, reason and purpose of public education; it also reminds us of our obligations and responsibilities as citizens to our children, our fellow man and our nation.There is much talk today about the need to get back to the basics. This argument has been around for at least half a century if not longer. Public opinion has changed very little if any over the years. As in years gone by, the general perception is we have strayed from the basics. This perception still persists because we have forgotten why it is our children go to school, what it is they are suppose to learn and finally what their obligations and responsibilities are not only to themselves, but to others and our nation.So, what are these basics? Just like yesteryear, to ask anyone today, the answer would most likely be “Its reading, writing and arithmetic, stupid!” To this I say: “No its not!” I’m not saying the 3R’s are skills our children need not master. What I am saying is they are not fundamental to the purpose our forefathers had in mind for our children’s public education.All the attention today on the inadequacies of our public education system fails to address purpose. Our desire to fix education through higher scores, more specialization and revamping neglects the premise upon which it was founded. For our country to remain strong and our democracy vibrant, our children upon graduation must not only be ready to chart their own future, but also fulfill their obligations and responsibilities as citizens.To do this, our children must be able to think critically and not cynically as many among us do not do today, discern meaningful discourse from mere rhetoric as many among us can not do today, be informed versus misinformed as many among us do not know the difference today, have compassion and not contempt for those less fortunate as many among us do not show today, and finally, know that when called upon to make sacrifices for the betterment of others and that of our nation as so many before have done for us.Yes, the 3R’s are skills that must be mastered, but they are not the basics. Yes, we have strayed from the basics. Yes, we must get back to the basics. And yes, we must teach the basics.Alfred GreenColorado Springs

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