Hard work and preparation paid off for both the Shapiro boys and Bremer children, featured in the June 2014 issue of the New Falcon Herald. The children competed in 4-H events in both El Paso and Douglas counties.In the poultry show, 14-year-old Gregory Shapiro and his brother, 12-year-old Daniel, received a grade in showmanship of 95 out of 100. Both boysí ducks did well. Each received first place in both variety (best bantam duck) and breed (best mallard). Archie, Gregoryís Phoenix rooster, also received first place in both the ìbest of varietyî and ìbest of breedî categories. Mom Shawna Shapiro said the difference between variety and breed can be compared to dog show categories. Hunting dogs or sporting breeds are variety categories; a breed is a poodle or Golden retriever.ìI felt it went pretty good,î Gregory said. ìI learned some things about receiving my bird and handing it off to another person. I learned to put my hand over their wings so they donít fly when youíre trying to grab them.î Gregory also won both reserve champion in showmanship and in breeding ram, competitions for sheep he had bred. Showmanship classes are judged based on how the children show the animals, and breeding ram classes are based on the animals themselves.Shooting sportsThe Bremer children competed in Douglas County in shooting sports. Elevenyear-old JB competed in two rifle events, and Gloria (age 9) in one. JB competed in .22 rifle hunt scope, and placed fourth, which puts him on the team to go to the state competition August 16-17. Both Bremer children competed in .22 four position aperture sites. Gloria won first place, and JB placed second.Gloria talked about her .22 competition experience: ìWell, first it was kind of scary because there was a whole bunch of people there. And then when youíre shooting I was quivering, but then I stopped when I realized that it didnít really matter if I won or not. But I won first place in the competition I did.î